Is there a difference between Shore’s three program locations?

Yes and no… All three of our adult day programs offer the same services, have the same days and hours of operation, and adhere to the same guidelines, best practices and philosophy. Our curriculum, safety protocols, schedules and staff training methods are conducted under the same Shore standards. Each program, however, has its own characteristic “vibe” or culture that arises organically from the people who participate and work within each site. The different towns and building locations also contribute to each program’s unique attributes.

What types of services does Shore offer?

All of Shore’s adult day programs offer day habilitation (Day Hab), which is funded through Mass Health, and Community Based Day Supports (CBDS), which is funded through the Department of Developmental Disabilities (DDS). The majority of our participants either receive full day hab support, or a combination of both Day Hab and CBDS services.

What is Day Habilitation?

Day Habilitation (Day Hab) is a service model for individuals who have been clinically diagnosed with an intellectual or developmental disability. It sets forth individualized and measurable goals and objectives that are addressed through an integrated program of activities and therapies necessary to reach the stated goals and objectives. Providers are required to obtain a prescription for Day Hab services from your primary care doctor prior to your enrollment and annually thereafter. Mass Health covers the cost of day hab services for eligible members.

What is CBDS?

Community Based Day Supports is a customized service model designed to enable qualifying individuals to enrich their life and enjoy a full range of integrated community activities by providing opportunities for developing, enhancing, and maintaining competency in personal, social and community activities. This service is funded through the Department of Developmental Disabilities. 


What are Shore’s hours? Do you offer programs on nights or weekends?

Shore’s adult day programs are open Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 3 PM. Our programs are closed on major holidays and for two vacation weeks each year (at the end of July and December). We do not offer any evening or weekend programs. See out Program Calendar in Resources.

Does Shore provide transportation to and from the program?

No, Shore does not provide transportation from your home to the program site, but we will help you get transportation services set up through Mass Health if you are an eligible member. All of Shore’s programs have accessible vans to bring participants out into the community during the program day.

Does Shore provide lunch and snacks?

Program participants typically bring their lunch and snack(s) with them from home each day, and we ask that you bring your food prepared to the appropriate diet texture (e.g., pureed, moist ground, etc.). We can and do make special arrangements to support people who are not able to bring their lunch with them for whatever reason. We also have the means to prepare food to the proper diet texture, if necessary. Our program rooms have refrigerators to store your lunch properly and microwaves to heat up your food. Shore supplies filtered water, sugar-free, flavored beverages, coffee and tea. We encourage you to bring your own, preferably healthy, snack to enjoy. Shore supplies ingredients for weekly cooking groups and hosts special lunches and parties at various times throughout the year.

I take medication during the day. Can someone help me with that?

Of course! All of Shore’s programs have full time nurses on staff to help with medication administration and other medical needs, including but not limited to: G-tube feeding, blood sugar monitoring, catheter/colostomy management, seizure protocols, wound care and first aid. Shore’s program nurses are often the first to recognize and identify signs and symptoms of illness, and will advocate for your medical care.

What is the staffing ratio?

Our staffing ratios vary depending on the support needs of people within a given peer group. In compliance with Mass Health and DDS regulations, our staff to participant ratio never exceeds 1:7 and is generally much lower to ensure safe, quality support.

I want to be with other people my age. What is the average age of your participants?

Shore’s adult programs support people aged 22 and up. Many of our participants have stayed with Shore throughout their adult lives and are now in their 60’s and 70’s. The average age of our participants is about 43. We have noticed that age does not appear to play a significant role in the friendships that are mutually formed between program participants. Participants are more drawn to each other based on their personalities and shared interests than they are by age group.

If I enroll in full Day Hab service, will I still get a chance to get out in the community?

Yes! All of our participants are given the opportunity to participate in outings, excursions and volunteer opportunities in the community if they are interested in doing so.

Is it possible to attend Shore on a part-time basis?

Yes. We are happy to work with you to customize a schedule that works best for you.

Can family members and friends come visit me at Shore and check out the program?

Yes! You are most welcome to have visitors come see you at the program. We are also happy to assist you with virtual visits on-line and/or phone calls. Helping you maintain the relationships that are important to you is important to us!

I need extra support for my behavior management; can you help?

Yes, we can. Shore has an excellent reputation for supporting people who may engage in challenging behavior, including self-injury and aggression. Our competent staff are trained and annually re-trained and certified in crisis management (Safety Care) and Positive Behavior Support (PBS) techniques.  Shore Staff have the necessary skills to effectively prevent, minimize, and manage behavioral challenges safely and respectfully.

My family is looking for good communication and support from my day program. What kinds of family support does Shore provide?

Shore believes that good communication with all members of your care team (e.g., family members, legal guardian(s), residential staff, DDS service coordinator, etc.) is not only important, it’s essential. We are happy to provide whatever level of communication your family is looking for, whether that be writing a daily note in a communication book that you bring back and forth from home, making a weekly or monthly phone call, sending updates by email, sharing photos of you engaged in fun activities or events, or providing clinical data so your doctors can make informed decisions regarding your medication. We strive to provide excellent communication and are always receptive to feedback from you and those who care about you. Shore also offers family support groups and provides resources and information relevant to your on-going care.

What does a typical day at Shore look like?

Good question! Every day at Shore is structured in the same way so that you know what to expect, but your activities will vary thanks to a weekly, theme-based curriculum and input from YOU. The types of scheduled group activities may include:

  • Exercise and movement (often held in Shore’s gym/rec room)
  • Art/craft projects
  • Cooking (each program has a full kitchen)
  • Music-based activities
  • Sensory exploration and discovery
  • Money management skills
  • Social development skills
  • Community excursions, volunteer opportunities or work exploration trips
  • Games, projects and activities that promote learning, problem solving and other cognitive skills
  • Health, hygiene, nutrition, meditation and other wellness activities
  • Horticultural and other environmental awareness/appreciation activities
  • Human Rights and Self Advocacy
  • Book club, sports talk, and other social circles
  • Positive Behavior Support activities